Personal BLOGs
A Blog or a ‘Weblog’ is a frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and creative ideas published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries. Blogs, may be of a mix of what was happening in a person’s life and what was happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary, or a hobby or the write-ups of a talent or skill.
Each individual weblogs has their own motivation for writing a Blog. A good number of them use it as daily diary keeping or a journal. Blogging provides them with a platform to share their thought, ideas and creativity before the whole world.
Blogging is an essential part of online marketing strategy for many businesses. Almost all the businesses and brands would have a blogs to enlighten their customers and shareholders about their product and business. A blog shares news that reaches a wider audience. Millions of individuals and businesses from all over the world have blogs.
On the Google platform, Sippyan develops PERSONAL, FAMILY, ORGANIZATIONAL or ASSOCIATION and PROFESSIONAL Blogs minding the actual requirement of each person, family, Organization or Association.
Personal, Professional, Family, Business and Organizational Blogs
Personal Blogs illustrates your skill, creativity, and talents before World Wide Web. ( Scroll down )
Family Blogs give freedom to each members to expose their abilities and talents as one family. ( Scroll down )
Professional Blogs not only showcase their business but also bring more potential customers. ( Scroll down )
Organizational Blog or the blog of an Association raise awareness and get public opinion. ( Scroll down )